Corporate Secretary

The Corporate Governance Department of PJSC Magnit discharges the responsibilities of the Corporate Secretary.

The main objective of the Department is to maintain effective communication with the shareholders, coordinate the Company’s actions to protect the rights and interests of the shareholders and ensure effective operation of the Board of Directors.

Corporate Governance Department reports to the President and CEO and is held accountable to the Board of Directors.

The main responsibilities of the Corporate Governance Department are as follows:

  • to participate in improving the Company’s corporate governance system and practices
  • to participate in preparing for and holding of General Meetings of Shareholders
  • to support the work of the Board of Directors and its committees
  • to participate in implementing the Company’s disclosure policy and ensure safekeeping of the Company’s documents
  • to ensure interaction between the Company and its shareholders and to participate in preventing corporate conflicts
  • to ensure interaction between the Company and regulatory authorities, organisers of trading activity, the registrar and other professional participants of the securities market within the remit of the Corporate Governance Department
  • to immediately inform the Board of Directors of any breaches of laws and the Company’s by-laws, where ensuring compliance with such laws and by-laws is the responsibility of the Corporate Governance Department
  • to ensure that the procedures established by laws and the Company’s by-laws to protect the shareholders’ rights and legitimate interests are put into practice and to oversee their implementation.